News item in Dutch Chamber Magazine issue #214

News item in Dutch Chamber Magazine issue #214

Western companies and entrepreneurs are increasingly moving their production lines to countries such as China, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, and Turkey. The Chinese inland in particular, offers adequate future prospects for successful business as a Western entrepreneur.

For issue #214 of the Dutch Chamber Magazine , Ties Coolen the founder of Quality Control China and Coolen China wrote an extensive news article about optimizing purchasing processes outside the EU and doing business successfully in China. 

Below is a brief summary of the article ‘Doing Business in China 2.0’. The full text can be read in the online magazine. More information about the collaboration between the two parties can be found on the website of Dutch Chamber Magazine.

Doing business successfully in China

The Chinese government makes it attractive for Western companies to do business in China’s inland. Compared to the coastal regions, the tax rates for foreign companies are much lower in the Chinese interior.

Despite the tax benefits, a well-filled wallet is no longer sufficient to successfully import products from China as a foreigner. For example, it is necessary that the entire purchasing process from A to Z continues to run smoothly. 

This translates into optimizing purchasing processes and continuously monitoring the supply chain. If the quality of imported products remains high and consistent, this is guaranteed to contribute to successful business operations. 

Optimizing supply chain outside Europe

Purchases outside of Europe can require a lot of research, input from different departments, negotiations and invoicing. A correct implementation of these processes can promote the success and growth of a (starting) company. 

The focus lies on optimizing the supply chain and performing quality control checks outside of Europe. Take for example countries like China, Vietnam, India, and Pakistan. These countries are well-known to requisition goods and services through your supply chain. 

Quality inspections include; comparing potential suppliers, checking factory reliability and inspecting production line. 

Professional quality inspections

To import a consistent product quality outside Europe, it is important that Western entrepreneurs can intervene during the entire production process. This must be without having to be present at the manufacturer itself. 

Professional quality inspections are essential for companies, because these checks can prevent and solve all kinds of supply chain problems. However, the rather confusing Chinese business culture can be quite a barrier for inexperienced importers. 

“This often makes it difficult for European start-ups to build a reliable network of Chinese business partners.”

Quality Control China helps and supports Western companies and entrepreneurs in optimizing purchasing processes outside the EU. In this way, the quality of products remains consistent and production errors can be kept to a minimum. 

Ultimately, this also increases the chance of success among starting entrepreneurs who want to import products from China. Professional quality inspections ensure that European start-ups can lay a solid foundation for profitable operations in the future. 

Chinese New Year and supply chain issues blog

Chinese New Year: Practical Tips for Importers

Chinese New Year and supply chain issues blog

Chinese New Year: Practical Tips for Importers

Once again, Western companies and importers can rely on the Chinese New Year celebration to significantly disrupt the supply chain. Therefore, below you will find some practical tips for importers with suppliers based in China.

Many Chinese factory workers return to their families and friends during this time to celebrate the new calendar year together. Most of the workers leave the factory early, so they can spend a longer time period with their families.

What’s special about the Chinese New Year?

The Chinese New Year is a special event because it lasts much longer (15 days) than the Western New Year. During this period, around 400 million people travel across the country to spend their holidays with their families.

Most Chinese factories will close their doors during this time. As a result, the supply chain often comes to a standstill, which leads to delays in shipping orders. The date of the Chinese New Year celebration is between January 21st and February 21st of each year.

Influence of Chinese New Year on the supply chain 

Chinese New Year has a significant impact on the supply chain every year. For western importers, this can cause a significant delay in the delivery time of the products. 

It is important to minimize the risks, because otherwise importers run the risk that orders will not arrive in Europe until weeks or months later, for example.

It is therefore doubtful that the products meet the quality requirements. 

This can also be due to the absence of employees. When a manufacturer has to replace staff, the question is whether they have the right skills to make exactly the same products.

Practical tips for importers

Below you will find some practical tips for avoiding supply chain delays ahead of the Chinese New Year.

1. Work with reliable suppliers

It is advisable for Western importers to work with reliable suppliers in China. This includes businesses that value quality, provide a stable work environment for their employees, and use a reliable management system.

In the lead-up to Chinese New Year, these factories can immediately anticipate potential staff shortages. A supplier with financial or legal problems is more likely to decide to keep the factory doors closed during this period.

Therefore, it is also advisable to avoid possible collaborations with new suppliers just before Chinese New Year. Western companies and importers must wait until after the holiday for the manufacturer’s quality to be checked first.

Conducting a factory audit offers a solid solution for this, because this audit simply maps the quality and competence of a supplier. In this way, importers can verify their future supply chain, before building, for example, Chinese business relationships, which they later regret.

2. Try to avoid quality problems

Many Chinese factories will be expanding their production lines as the new year approaches. Most suppliers during this period will rush to process as many orders as possible in a short time. It also allows orders to be dispatched faster than usual as more and more workers decide to take time off.

The above factors can all contribute to a wide variety of supply chain issues. It is therefore important to carry out sufficient quality controls at the manufacturer’s premises during this period, so that the quality of the products is maintained.

3. Monitoring logistical problems

Given the turbulent time around the Chinese New Year, it is essential to monitor for any logistical problems. China’s infrastructure will also come under considerable pressure during this period.

As a result, it may happen that some problems arise with, among others; the loading and unloading of products, the availability of shipping containers and other delays related to transport.

As a Western importer, it may therefore be important to take the above problems into account so that they can be prevented in the future. For example, consider:

  • Increase current stock levels.
  • Book well in time and keep checking quality of products.
  • Plan your orders for after Chinese New Year in advance.
  • Set future deadlines with suppliers.
  • Congratulate Chinese suppliers and business associates.

4. Continuously monitor product quality

At the end of the Chinese New Year, many workers return to the factory to resume their work. However, some employees no longer return to their factory, but decide, for example, to work elsewhere or to take longer vacations.

The logical consequence of this is that new employees are hired instead. These employees are often less experienced, or have not received clear instructions. Due to the lack of clearly documented work methods, training and quality requirements, these new employees can often produce lower quality products at the start.

Contact us 

Want to learn more about importing products during Chinese New Year? Do not hesitate to contact us. QC China helps Western companies and entrepreneurs in various countries outside of Europe to improve their supply chain.

How to import cosmetics from China - blog

How to import cosmetics from China

How to import cosmetics from China - blog

How to import cosmetics from China

Importing cosmetics from China can be quite a lucrative business. The most important thing is, that you know what you are doing. The import of beauty products is regulated in almost all countries within the borders of Europe and the rest of the western world.

In this blog you will find more information about important matters regarding the import process of cosmetic products from China. For example, before you start, you should think about; finding suitable suppliers, following the safety standards, labeling requirements and current rules and legislation for Western importers of cosmetics.

Suppliers of cosmetic products in China

The beauty sector is a very large industry, in which the larger manufacturers in China process various chemical products to produce an end product. Not all suppliers in this industry are involved in this.

There are also enough small-scale workshops and manufacturers that focus on the production of beauty products and make-up accessories. Before you can import cosmetic products from China, it is important to determine which product categories exist within this industry. Consider, for example:

  • Beauty and Cosmetic Products
  • Skin Care Products
  • Hair Extensions & Wigs
  • Nail Polish
  • Beauty & Toiletry Bags
  • Make-up & Accessories

Finding suitable suppliers of cosmetic products in China

There are various ways to find suitable suppliers of beauty products in China. Most of the Chinese suppliers of beauty products are located in provinces such as Guangdong and Jiangsu. As a Western entrepreneur you can, for example, travel to China yourself and then look for suitable suppliers there.

In addition, online platforms such as AliExpress and Alibaba allow you to contact Chinese manufacturers and / or trading companies that are focused on importing cosmetics and other beauty products. It is often desirable that you speak the Chinese language and have some knowledge of the Chinese business culture.

As soon as you start pre-selecting suppliers, it is important to check whether the manufacturer specializes in only one or more product categories. You also want to check whether the manufacturer can meet the safety requirements that apply within the EU.

How to import cosmetics from China - blog

Safety requirements & regulations for cosmetic products

Within EU countries, strict safety requirements and rules apply for the import of cosmetic products from China. The import of beauty products is not only strictly regulated in Europe, but also in countries such as the United States and Australia.

As soon as you want to import cosmetic and / or other care products, such as make-up and nail polish, it is the task of importers to check whether these products actually meet these safety requirements and do not contain excessive amounts of substances.

Furthermore, beauty products must be properly labeled and even registered with the authorities. All this information must be present before the cosmetic products can be imported.

Otherwise, you run the risk of the shipment being seized by customs upon arrival. As a Western importer you are responsible, for example, for complying with the following regulations:

  • Check whether the product contains no substances and chemicals that are subject to restrictions.
  • The production process must meet the safety standards set according to the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
  • Preventing environmental damage and minimizing the environmental impact.
  • Cosmetic products must be listed on the EU Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP).

If you want to comply with this as a Western importer, it is important that you have the products tested in a laboratory. You must also have a technical file and all products must be provided with mandatory labels and labels.

As you can read above, the most important challenge when importing cosmetics from China is actually complying with all safety requirements and regulations. Not all Chinese manufacturers can produce beauty products that comply with these strict regulations.

In addition, the costs of laboratory tests can be high. Especially when it comes to make-up, facial masks, skin care and other cosmetic products.

Enlisting help from an external party

Do you have little or no experience with importing cosmetics from China? Then it may be wise to call in the help of a third party. After all, external service providers are among the most reliable sourcing and inspection offices of China.

As a Western importer you can guarantee the quality of imported products without running unnecessary risks. An external partner such as Quality Control China has sufficient knowledge of the way of doing business in China.

The Chinese language is also no longer a barrier, so you can count on professional communication with your Chinese suppliers. In principle, you can outsource the entire purchasing process in China with a little help.

In addition, such an external business partner has often built up a solid network, with which you can find a number of suitable manufacturers in no time. You can also be a bit more professional and carry out some quality inspections. Consider, for example:

This cooperation ensures that you have more time for other things and do not have to worry about complicated aspects about the purchasing process in China.

As a Western importer you thus create all kinds of opportunities with which you can import cosmetic products from China for a long time. Would you like to know more about quality controls and what these inspections can mean for your company? Feel free to contact Quality Control China.

Doing business in China during Covid-19

Doing business in China during Covid-19

Doing business in China during Covid-19

Doing business in China during Covid-19

In recent months Covid-19 has created a global crisis. Therefore, at the end of March 2020 the Chinese government took a number of quarantine measures to limit the spread of the virus. As a result, doing business in China requires more attention than usual.

Read on and you will find out more about these measures and their effect on the Chinese supply chain. Also, we provide you with some practical information to maintain the quality of imported products from China.

Covid-19 and the Chinese production line

China was the first country to be affected by Covid-19. Soon after the outbreak, the Chinese government came up with some pretty strict measures to keep the virus under control. As a result the Chinese production line and important transport channels came to a temporary halt.

The city of Wuhan and its residents were especially hard hit. Because of the lockdown measures, Chinese factory workers were forced not to return to the city where they worked; due to the Chinese New Year, most Chinese were with their families in their hometown. If they could travel, they were usually placed in quarantine after their return.

Many Western companies also noticed the effect of Covid-19 because of the entry ban for foreigners that has been in force in China since 28 March 2020. In addition, all foreign travelers are immediately tested for corona upon arrival. The Chinese government then quarantines everyone for two weeks before they enter the country.

Consequences for Western companies and entrepreneurs

The supply chain in China is running at full speed once again. This is good news for the supply of companies and entrepreneurs with Chinese business partners. However, the way Western companies do business in China will change permanently. Also, the entry quarantine measures of the Chinese government remain active. This makes it a lot more difficult to check, for example, the quality of products imported from China.

The entry ban makes it virtually impossible for Western entrepreneurs to travel to the manufacturer in China and carry out certain quality inspections themselves. Furthermore, face-to-face contact with most of the Chinese business partners is most desirable, while the current state of affairs requires flawless communication between importers and suppliers.

Video calls are a solution, but are not ideal when it comes to details such as quality. As a result, more and more companies will choose to monitor the Chinese production line remotely in the future. A well-thought-out choice that could save self-employed entrepreneurs a lot of valuable time.

Doing business in China 2.0

Outsourcing quality inspections to an external partner with a broad and reliable network in China can be a sustainable solution. Hereby, it is important that a partner is chosen with contacts in and out of China.

In this way, the chance of possible miscommunication or other complications during the production process is kept to a minimum. In practice, some suppliers choose to save on production costs with a second or third delivery. Consider, for example, the use of cheaper raw materials, or having less skilled employees perform exactly the same activities.

A partner with plenty of knowledge of the culture and the way of doing business in China can maintain contact with business partners, prevent production errors and monitor suppliers. In this way, the quality of import products is guaranteed during the entire purchasing process. Are you looking for a suitable solution to do business efficiently in China during these difficult times? Please contact Quality Control China.

Importing clothing and textiles from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh

Importing clothing and textiles from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh

Importing clothing and textiles from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh! In this article you will learn more about the import of fashion items from your Asian suppliers. For example, you can read how to find the right clothing manufacturer. You will also receive tips with which you can guarantee the quality of each product.

Importing clothing from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh

There are a few things to consider before you start importing clothing from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh? To begin with, make a decision about the sorts of clothing you want to import. For this it is important that you compare the range of potential clothing suppliers.

Most Asian factories are specialized in producing a few types of clothing. It is therefore important for Western companies and entrepreneurs to pick the right suppliers. You can check the full range of a clothing manufacturer through their official site.

On the other hand, you can also have the Chinese manufacturer inspected by an external partner such as Quality Control China. By performing a Factory Audit your business partner checks the reliability and quality of the clothing manufactory. This also saves you the necessary travel costs and flight hours, because you don’t have to travel all the way to Asia by yourself.

What type of clothes to import from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh?

There are countless categories and different clothing types to import from countries such as China, India, Vietnam en Bangladesh. Think about fashion items for men, women, children and babies in categories such as:

  • Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn collections.
  • Sport, underwear, lingerie and swimwear.
  • Shoes, belts and accessories.
  • Handbags, sunglasses and headgear.
  • Scarves, belts and gloves.

In addition to the type of garment, it is important that you consider in advance which parts your clothing should consist of. The quantity of each part must be stated per unit to the clothing manufacturers in China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh.

For example, consider; zippers, laces, buttons and other clothing parts. In addition, it is also required to provide the measurements of each piece of clothing. You can use a so-called size chart to forward the measurements for all sizes to the clothing manufacturer.

In a country such as China, it is standard to provide this type of information, not only in English, but also in Chinese. This is greatly appreciated in the Chinese business world. If you have trouble with the Chinese language, you can easily outsource this process as well.

This way, you are promptly guaranteed that all product data is correctly communicated. In the long run you will create a solid business relationship that is focused on the future.

European import rules and legislation import

Do you want to import clothing and textile products from Asian countries such as China, India and Bangladesh? Make sure you always keep in mind the European import rules and legislation, that apply to importing clothing from these nations.

A garment must always be safe and usable, without the customer running into different kinds of dangers while wearing the clothing. Western importers from Asian countries are consequently liable for any (injury) damage caused by the use of these import products.

That is why it is important that you keep checking the quality of garments. Nowadays there are various quality inspections that can help you with this.

Pay attention to the product description

In case you want to import clothing from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh, it is important that you communicate the product description to the manufacturer as accurately as possible. In addition, you should take into account that most Asian clothing suppliers purchase fabrics and textile products through their own network.

So think ahead of time how your article of clothing will resemble. Consider, for example, features and properties such as:

  • Weight
  • Composition (cotton, elastane)
  • Colors
  • Coating
  • Treatment (water-repellent)
  • Number of threads (60 x 60)

Do you need organic cotton or bamboo fiber? At that point you will initially need to contact the manufacturer. You can likewise effectively re-appropriate this cycle. Coolen China assists Western companies and independent importers with it purchasing process in China.

Logos, prints and washing labels

Explicit logos, prints and washing labels of fashion items must also be known to the clothing manufacturer in China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh. In order to avoid misunderstandings, you have to convey print and weaving designs ahead of time. Consider for the most part:

  • Logos
  • Prints
  • Embroidery patterns
  • Washing labels

Minimum amount of clothing import from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh

When importing clothing from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh, you should decide a base sum ahead of time. Normally the quantity of items per request is around 500 – 1000 pieces.

The most important reason for this is that a clothing manufacturer also has to purchase a certain amount of textiles from their suppliers. In addition, most clothing manufacturers in Asia also make agreements about the quantity per fabric, color and size of the clothing.

Shipping textiles and clothing from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh

Importing clothing and textiles from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh normally additionally requires a specific shipping method. Most pieces of clothing are delivered in bigger amounts from Asia to Europe.

That is why people usually opt for shipping by sea. For Western companies and individuals it is important to check the garments while loading the sea container. There are certain quality inspections for this, that ensure that the product quality is maintained. It sometimes happens that while loading a container, some items of clothing are damaged. This way you can of course never sell the imported garments to your potential customers.

Quality Control can assist you with this by running a Container Loading Check. This way, there is consistently proficient oversight when stacking the ocean holder.

Potential dangers

Organizations and commercial enterprises are importing increasingly clothing from China. Importing large quantities of clothing and textiles from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh also generally poses certain risks. Consider, for instance, scammers and fraudsters, who attempt to get their shares.

Therefore, always try to work as accurately as possible and don’t make big payments in advance. For example, you can negotiate about the payment method or other aspects of the purchasing process.

Suppose that certain misunderstandings nevertheless threaten to arise, then you can, for example, use an external one legal services.  In this way, you are legally strong when importing clothes from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh.

More information?

Do you have little involvement in importing clothing from China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh? Please don’t hesitate to contact Quality Control and find out more about the possible outcomes.

Importing toys from China

Importing toys from China

Importing toys from China

In case you’re searching for a modest and successful approach to import products, you likely think about an Asian nation, for example, China. In this article you will discover more information about importing toys from China.

Importing toys from China

Importing toys from China is a very popular method of doing business. That’s pretty obvious, because practically 90% of all toys are made in China. Therefore, the country still is the largest export country of all children’s toys here on earth.

Which toys to import from China?

When it comes to toys, you can import almost any product from China. The Chinese toy industry is capable of producing toys such as:

  • Cuddle toys
  • Dolls
  • Baby toys
  • Dinosaur toys
  • Car toys
  • Farm toys
  • Educational toys
  • Wooden toys
  • Electric toys

As you can see there are various categories of Chinese toys for children. However, not all toys are made in the same manufactory. Therefore, you will have to look for suitable suppliers in China.

There are several ways to find the right manufacturer. For example, you can travel around the country on your own, visit toy fairs, contact them by phone or search the internet for the best toy suppliers. This is a pretty time-consuming job which will cost you more energy than anything else.

In addition, most Chinese suppliers are set to sell their products directly to their customers in China. As a result, most of the communication between those companies takes place in Chinese. Many toy manufacturers therefore do not have English-speaking sales teams.

If you don’t have any knowledge of the Chinese language? Or you simply do not have enough time to travel all the way to China? For this kind of issues there is another solution, you can choose to outsource the search for a suitable toy supplier.

Commissioned by you, an external party will then contact a number of Chinese toy manufacturers. This way you are guaranteed to find the manufacturer that meets your predefined wishes and needs. This process makes importing toys from China a lot less time-consuming.

How to import the best toys from China?

First determine exactly which toys you want to import from China and then look for the right suppliers. Maybe you already have contact with some suitable toy manufacturers? Then you can also choose to elaborate on this preselection.

By the way, always try to import an appropriate amount of toys from China. This way you keep the import costs as low as possible. Small cargos lead to high shipment costs in relation to the cost of the products. Also make sure that every product you import follows and maintains an applicable safety standard.

In addition, do not import toys without a valid licence. This causes problems when the products actually leave the country.

It is also important that you continue to make wise choices during the purchasing process, which are also very common in China. Sometimes it can be interesting to look for a partner. This way you are assured of professional guidance, which you can benefit from quite a lot!

Importing toys from China
QC China | Importing toys from China

Common problems

Certain problems can always arise during the toy importing process. Most problems with importing toys from China arise from the rules and regulations that apply to them.

In many Western countries, high standards and safety requirements have been set for the import of children’s products. It is important that you are aware of things that can disrupt the purchasing process.

Some of the most common problems are briefly explained below. Before you start buying toys from China, make sure you have deliberated them properly. This way you will hopefully not be faced with unexpected surprises.

Toys not always meet EU safety standards

Most toys are designed in a certain way so that children can play with them in a certain way. Small children are not always aware of this, because they simply have no idea what function the toy has.

Does the toy look interesting? Then most children will undoubtedly investigate the toys further. They often do this by, for example, tasting, smelling or swallowing.

Suppose the toy is made of toxic material, sharp edges, or small particles that are easily swallowed by children. Then this will undoubtedly cause serious problems.

To prevent this kind complications, the European Union requires toys to have a CE mark. This is also called the ‘Conformite Europeene‘, which is French for European conformity.

This makes it clear whether the toy complies with the health, safety and environmental protection standards that apply within the EU. You can see it as a guideline to maintain the suitability of toys from China.

Control quality of products at toy manufacturer

You can control the quality of your products with certain inspections carried out by the toy. These are essential to ensure the quality of the toys. In many cases, these inspections are performed on site at the manufacturer in China. You can carry out these checks yourself, or have them carried out by a company such as Quality Control China. Such an external partner is always well aware of the safety standards.

As an importer you will receive, for example a comprehensive report from the status of the manufacturer in China. Such a factory audit confirms the suitability of the supplier. Suppose a Chinese factory is unable to provide these reports, it is better to look for another toy manufacturer. Of course, you don’t want to run the risk of the toys being rejected and destroyed. This creates a major financial blow, which you can easily avoid.

No supervision when loading toys

All the toys that you want to import from China will have to be shipped to Europe at some point. While loading the products, it is important to keep an eye on the container. At this point it can always occur that certain mistakes are made, which will eventually ruin a large part of your profit.

To prevent this, you can choose the preform a Container Loading Check. A professional inspector supervises will check the loading of the toys. If everything meets the quality requirements, the container is always sealed with a unique stamp.

Importing furniture from China, Vietnam & India

Importing furniture from China, Vietnam & India

Importing furniture from China, Vietnam and India is a moneymaking business for more and more Western companies and independent importers. That’s just in case you know what you’re doing. Otherwise, the shipment of furniture from Asia can cause some unexpected problems. In this blog you will learn about selecting the best suppliers, material selection and quality controls.

Importing furniture from China, Vietnam and India

Nowadays most furniture can cost quite a bit of money. You can reduce these costs by importing your furniture from China, Vietnam or India. However, both the journey and the search for suitable suppliers will cost a lot of your time and energy.

So although furniture prices in Asian countries are often a lot lower than European prices, importing Chinese interior remains a time-consuming investment.

How to choose the right furniture manufacturer

Do you want to start importing furniture from China, Vietnam or India? Then start by searching for the right suppliers in advance.

For some time now, China has been the world’s largest exporter of furniture. Therefore, the search for the best supplier could take quite some time. If you don’t have time to maintain the already existing contact with a furniture manufacturer, you can maintain this contact by an external partner. This way your partner can build on your prior selection of contacts.

Below are some important points listed about importing furniture from China, Vietnam and India. On that ground, you will have to make a number of other decisions. The outcome of this can affect the quality of your furniture significantly.

Hopefully after reading this blog, you will immediately choose the right supplier and you will not find any unexpected surprises during the purchasing process.

View offers from different suppliers

Nowadays you can import the most diverse furniture from China. It is important that you select suppliers who don’t make any bad products or just a few types of furniture. Think, for example, of interior suited for:

● Office furniture
● Hotel furniture
● Benches
● Garden furniture
● Beds
● Bedroom furniture
● Bathroom furniture
● Living room furniture
● Mattresses
● Children’s furniture
● Baby room furniture
● Wooden furniture
● Dining sets
● Outdoor furniture
● Metal furniture
● Plastic furniture
● Wicker furniture

Many Chinese manufacturers specialize in making one particular type of furniture. As a result, the product quality is often much higher than for manufacturers offering multiple categories at the same time.

Depending on the furniture you are looking for, you may need multiple suppliers for this. There are very few manufacturers in China that produce furniture for different purposes.

Compliance with product regulations

Within the EU there are a number of rules that apply to the import of goods outside Europe. This legislation ensures that products shipped to Europe actually meet certain safety and environmental standards.

So before you can import furniture from countries such as China, Vietnam and India, it’s important that you check whether they meet the standards and technical specifications that apply within the EU.

These are standards set; product properties, degree of flammability, hygiene and electrical characteristics. The production process, product performance and durability also play an important role.

The compliance with the product requirements is also known as conformity assessment. You can judge the conformity of products yourself, or enlist the help of a third party.

Number of products per order

How many products you can purchase per order varies. When importing furniture from China, this is largely dependent on the manufacturer and type of furniture.

Suppose a manufacturer specializes in a certain type of banking set. At this supplier you can probably order fewer units at the same time, than for example a manufacturer of small child seats.

There are plenty of ways to check if a factory is right for your future shipments. Before you immediately engage with a manufacturer, you could also inspect the factory first. The vetting of a factory is also called factory audit.

Design and material choice

If you decide to import furniture from China, Vietnam and India, you usually get the opportunity to make certain adjustments regarding the design and choice of materials of furniture.

You can choose to have a new design made. For example, you can also customize furniture from the manufacturer’s product collection. In addition, most suppliers expect you to choose some extra options with your order.

This also applies if you select furniture from their collection. This is because most furniture can be made from different materials, coatings and parts.

In principle, the Asian manufacturers expect their customers to be able to indicate exactly how the furniture should be made.

Perform quality checks at furniture manufacturer

Of course, you’re not waiting for a container full of faulty or damaged furniture. Therefore, it is important that you have quality checks carried out at the manufacturer in China, Vietnam and India.

For example, you can have a pre-shipment inspection performed. This way, the quality of your furniture is checked before it leaves the factory and will be shipped to Europe.

Below you will find some important points, on which you can have the quality of furniture checked.

● Dimensions
● Weight
● Color
● Material
● Packaging
● Weatherproofing
● Fire safety

If you have some of these inspections carried out, you can carelessly import furniture from China, Vietnam and India. This way you can always be sure that the quality of your order meets the pre-set requirements.

Importing furniture from China, Vietnam and India

There are plenty of ways to move products from A to B. When importing furniture from China, Vietnam and India. A shipping container is often the most economical choice.

As an importer you can usually choose from a container completely filled with your products. In case your order is not large enough to fill a container with, then that space is often filled with other products.

It is therefore important that the manufacturer uses high-quality packaging. This makes it less likely to damage the furniture on the road. For example, are they packed with just a thin cover? Then a sharp angle or edge causes damage pretty quickly.

A fully packed shipping container can also affect the quality of furniture. Tall towers of all kinds of products stacked on top of each other can cause a lot of damage to your products. It is therefore important that your suppliers know exactly what your needs are in this case.

Therefore, always give clear instructions, in which you describe precisely how and with which material the furniture should be packed.

Do you need freight insurance?

Do you need to insure your furniture for a shipment from China, Vietnam or India? Imagine on arrival that half of your furniture is damaged. Then you can still return the furniture, or request a refund from the manufacturer in Asia.

However, do you want a guarantee that your furniture will enter Europe damage-free? Then you can contact Quality Control China without obligation. This ensures the best on-site knowledge in China, Vietnam and India, and you also have a permanent point of contact in the Netherlands.

Quality control China

Quality control China: the importance for importers!

Quality control China: the importance for importers!

Quality control China

Dutch companies and importers are having the quality of foreign import products checked increasingly. Professional inspectors fly to China, Vietnam and India regularly to carry out an accurate quality inspection with the manufacturer.

In this blog we would like to tell you a bit more about these foreign product controls and the interesting benefits that are generally attached for investors.

The usefulness of quality inspections

The production and shipping of imported products involves all kinds of different risks. A professional quality inspection in China can reduce these risks significantly. This creates less critical problems for the suppliers; therefore, the delivery time of orders does not have to be delayed any further.

Moreover, (large) investments could get lost sometimes due to unnecessary problems of this kind. For example, it often happens that Chinese manufacturers try to save on production costs over time. When they place a second order, they use materials which have a lesser quality than the materials they have used with the first order. This cost saving process can of course also endanger the quality of the end product.

In addition, there are busy periods in which manufacturers take many orders and try to process them at the same time. During such a period, Chinese suppliers sometimes even choose to outsource the production. This also causes problems with regard to the quality of the end product.

The factories in countries such as China, Vietnam and India are also known for the high turnover in personnel. The chance is therefore quite high that employees who have worked on the first delivery of products, are no longer working at the factory during the second order.

Prevent problems with suppliers

In addition to the problems you could have with the manufacturer, there are numerous complications that can arise while shipping products. With the help of proper quality inspections at the manufacturer in China, these problems can be resolved in no time. For example, suppose the manufacturer has made a few critical mistakes and the products no longer meet the required quality requirements. This can entail quite a few unpleasant risks.

If such a defect is not detected in time, there is often no turning back, because the products are already on their way to the customer in Europe. It costs a fortune to send all those (defective) products back to China or another country in Asia.

Advantages of independent inspectors

Having a quality inspection in China carried out by an independent inspector has a few additional advantages. For example, the time that would have been lost on trips to various suppliers in China. The travel costs of this can also be quite high.

Furthermore, inspectors identify any problems in time that arise during the production and shipping of goods. This will also significantly reduce the chance of the process slowing down.

Moreover, importers are no longer surprised when the manufactured products arrive in Europe. Sometimes it still happens that orders turn out to be slightly different than previously agreed with the manufacturer during the arrival of the container from China.

These deviations mainly arise when there are no interim product checks. For example, if incorrect information is passed on during certain transfers in the process, this usually leads to the necessary complications, which can considerably delay the delivery time of products.

Quality control China explained

Having a professional quality inspection carried out in China is crucial to guarantee the quality and correctness of imported products. These independent quality controls take place during the different stages of the production process.

This provides investors detailed insight into the status of every order from China, Vietnam and India. The quality of manufactured products is also guaranteed at all times. Because if there might be a problem with the manufacturer in China, the problem is guaranteed to be detected at the next inspection. This means that the production in China will not be delayed unnecessarily. The delivery time of every order can be achieved without time-consuming problems.

In addition, every order is guaranteed to meet the predefined quality requirements. Should complications arise nevertheless, a trained quality inspector will ensure that they are resolved in no time. This is because inspectors can provide on-the-spot adjustments and prevent possible miscommunications.

Quality inspection at the suppliers in China generally start by checking the factory for quality and reliability. A clear profile is made of the facilities that are available at the manufacturer. Production lines and the capacity the supplier could process, for example, are also carefully examined.

For more information about the various inspection moments in countries such as China, Vietnam and India, please refer to this page.

Quality control production from China, India and Vietnam

Quality control production from China, India and Vietnam

Quality control production from China, India and Vietnam

Quality control production from China, India and Vietnam

Nowadays more and more companies and startups have a professional quality control of the production from China, India and Vietnam. Importing goods from Asia does not always go according to plan. Often all kinds of unnecessary problems arise, as a result of which the entire production process can eventually be delayed.

A real shame! Since these kinds of problems are easy to prevent in many cases. Below we would like to tell you a bit more about the importance of these quality controls, and what advantages this entails.

Checking the quality of products from China

Checking the quality of imported products from Eastern countries has almost become a necessity for an increasing number of companies.

You can have these types of checks and inspections carried out professionally by Quality Control. As an importer, you are therefore guaranteed more certainty about your orders from one of these countries.

Also, you do not always have to travel to the relevant production country yourself. Certainly, in the long term, this will of course save you a lot of valuable time, money and energy.

How to maintain the quality of China Supply chain?

Our quality control of production from China, India and Vietnam is based on a number of composite specifications. In this way, the entire production process of your products is monitored and adjusted if necessary. We briefly explain the various inspections below:

Factory audit: This inspection checks the factory that makes your products based on quality and reliability. As an importer, this gives you a complete profile of the factory in no time.

First article inspection: a check before the first production. This inspection is necessary to check whether the production process fully meets your specifications and wishes.

Control during production: this inspection ensures that the entire production process of your products continues to run optimally. If necessary, this inspection offers an excellent opportunity to intervene on time.

This interim quality control of the supply chain in countries such as China, India and Vietnam is crucial to identify and solve any problems in a timely manner. This ensures that the stated quality and delivery time of your order is guaranteed in any case.

Final inspection before shipment: before your order is on the way, our inspectors carry out a final inspection. On the basis of the specifications drawn up by you, the final quality of your order is checked again. This check takes place when your order has been produced for more than 80%.

Supervising during loading: Our inspectors supervise your products at all times during the loading of your products. In addition, the container with your order is extensively checked and sealed. Click here for more information about this inspection.

Custom inspection: as an extra service we carry out inspections that are adapted to your wishes and needs. In addition, you will receive tailor-made advice from us about any problems that may arise.

Benefits of quality control of production from China

Our knowledge and expertise in the field of quality control of production from China, certainly provides many interesting benefits for companies and start-ups. Moreover, importing products from Asia, without checks and inspections, often causes more misery afterwards than necessary.

For example, suppose no checks were performed at all during the production process. Then you can often look surprised upon the arrival of your order. Especially when your products do not correspond at all with what you ordered in advance from the manufacturer.

Thanks to our extensive quality control of production in China, India and Vietnam, you will no longer be bothered by this. For example, we check all official certificates prior to production and compare potential manufacturers for your products.

In addition, our inspections almost always ensure an effective start of the production process. In this way, the quality of your order is maintained at the desired level at all times and you will not be faced with unpleasant surprises along the way.

Our highly trained inspectors are incredibly reliable and ensure that everything is closely monitored by the manufacturer. In addition, they try to provide you as an importer with solution-oriented advice and draw up an extensive inspection report for this.

By means of personal contact you are assured of a fixed point of contact and you are quickly informed of any shortcomings or problems.